15 Neuroscience
15.1 Neuroscience Basics
- dendrites 树突
- axon 神经轴突
- action potentials 动作电位
- spike 峰电位
- axonal arbor 树状轴突?
- synapse 突触
15.2 Reward Signals, Reinforcement Signals, Values, and Prediction Errors
15.3 The Reward Prediction Error Hypothesis
15.4 Dopamine
15.5 Experimental Support for the Reward Prediction Error Hypothesis
15.6 TD Error/Dopamine Correspondence
15.7 Neural Actor-Critic
15.8 Actor and Critic Learning Rules
15.9 Hedonistic Neurons
15.10 Collective Reinforcement Learning
15.11 Model-based Methods in the Brain
15.12 Addiction
15.13 Summary