

Fast R-CNN

Faster R-CNN

Mask R-CNN



Because I am not going to implement them… so I just write some notes here…

History: R-CNN -> Fast R-CNN -> Faster R-CNN -> Mask R-CNN


The first paper using CNN: image classification -> object detection

4 steps:

  • Region proposals (images -> selective search -> top 2000 proposals)
  • Feature extraction of each propsals (proposals -> AlexNet -> 4096-dim feature vector)
  • Object category classifiers (feature vector -> k SVM -> k-dim vector -> overlap filter)
  • Bounding-box regression (linear function of feature vector of P)

Proposal overlap filter:

  • a greedy non-maximum suppression (for each class independently) that rejects a region if it has an intersection-overunion (IoU) overlap with a higher scoring selected region larger than a learned threshold.


  • Positive and negative exmaples
  • AlexNet
  • SVM
  • Bounding-box regression

Fast R-CNN


  • The RoI pooling layer
  • The softmax classifier
  • bbox fully connected layer

4 steps:

  • Region proposals (images -> selective search -> top 2000 proposals)
  • Feature extraction of each propsals (proposals -> VGG + RoI pooling layer -> $H \times W$ feature map)
  • Object category classifiers (feature map -> FC + (k + background) softmax -> (k+1)-dim vector -> overlap filter)
  • Bounding-box regression (feature map -> FC -> bbox)

Faster R-CNN


  • Region Proposal Networks: make the whole model become a single unified network

5 steps:

  • Feature map (images -> VGG -> feature map)
  • Region proposals (feature map -> Region Proposal Networks -> $(W \times H \times k)$ proposals with scores -> top 2000 + overlap filter)
  • Feature extraction of each propsals (feature map + proposals -> RoI pooling layer -> $(H \times W)$ feature map)
  • Object category classifiers (feature map -> FC + (k + background) softmax -> (k+1)-dim vector)
  • Bounding-box regression (feature map -> FC -> bbox)


  • input: $W \times H$ feature map
  • k anchor boxes
  • each boxes has two scores: object or non-object.
  • output: $W \times H \times(4k)$ coordinates, $W \times H \times (2k)$ scores Training:
  • Alternating training

Mask R-CNN


  • backbone: ResNeXt-101+FPN
  • RoIAlign: use bilinear interpolation to compute the exact values of the input features at four regularly sampled locations in each RoI bin, and aggregate the result (using max or average)
  • Mask branch: FCN (Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation)


  • Convnet
  • Upsampling
  • DAG Net

6 steps:

  • Feature map (images -> backbone -> feature map)
  • Region proposals (feature map -> Region Proposal Networks -> $(W \times H \times k)$ proposals with scores -> top 2000 + overlap filter)
  • Feature extraction of each propsals (feature map + proposals -> RoIAlign -> $(H \times W)$ feature map)
  • Object category classifiers (feature map -> FC + (k + background) softmax -> (k+1)-dim vector)
  • Bounding-box regression (feature map -> FC -> bbox)
  • Mask branch (feature map -> head -> FCN -> k mask proposals)