Implementation of Coroutine in Cpp
笛卡尔积 2: 从Generator到Iterator
Airbnb经典论文: Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb
笛卡尔积: 副标题太长见正文
投币 X 死斗
丢失的登机牌(The Lost Boarding Pass)
Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Box-Muller Algorithm
From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview (2010)
ListNet: A Listwise Approach of Learning to Rank (2007)
Notes on zkSNARKs in Nutshell
A numerical algorithm to compute the optimal binomial confidence interval
Reinforcement Learning 17: Frontiers
Reinforcement Learning 16: Applications and Case Studies
Reinforcement Learning 15: Neuroscience
Reinforcement Learning 14: Psychology
Reinforcement Learning 13: Policy Gradient Methods
Reinforcement Learning: Models
Reinforcement Learning 12: Eligibility Traces
Statistical Inference 9~12
Interesting interview algorithm problems
Reinforcement Learning 11: Off-policy Methods with Approximation
Y Combinator 精简版
Reinforcement Learning 10: On-policy Control with Approximation
Attention Models
AlphaGo(Zero) 学习笔记
Capsule Network
Wasserstein GAN
Reinforcement Learning 9: On-policy Prediction with Approximation
Reinforcement Learning 8: Planning and Learning with Tabular Methods
Reinforcement Learning 7: n-step Bootstrapping
Reinforcement Learning 6: Temporal-Difference Learning
Reinforcement Learning 5: Monte Carlo Methods
Reinforcement Learning 4: Dynamic Programming
Y Combinator
Reinforcement Learning 3: Finite Markov Decision Processes
圣彼得堡悖论 II
Reinforcement Learning 2: Multi-armed Bandits
Reinforcement Learning 1: Introduction
Deep Learning: Chapter 20
Deep Learning: Chapter 19
Deep Learning: Chapter 18
Deep Learning: Chapter 17
Deep Learning: Chapter 16
Deep Learning: Chapter 15
Deep Learning: Chapter 14
Deep Learning: Chapter 13
Deep Learning: Chapter 12
Deep Learning: Chapter 11
Deep Learning: Chapter 10
Deep Learning: Chapter 9
Deep Learning: Chapter 8
Deep Learning: Chapter 7
机器学习 Tom 1~4
Deep Learning: Chapter 6
Deep Learning: Chapter 5
CS224n: NLP with Deep Learning
Fourier Transform
The Elements of Statistical Learning
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages 1
Algorithms for Big Data
Geometric Approximation Algorithms
代数学引论 第一卷
Copernican Principle
Statistical Inference 5~8
信息论基础 9~17
复分析基础及工程应用 习题
Statistical Inference 1~4
Learning Asymptote
信息论基础 1~8
The Design of Approximation Algorithms
Problem Set
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